Peace Resource Center of San Diego
3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, CA 92105
Phone: 619-263-9301 (Friends Center)
Phone: (619) 786-4636 (Board Contact)
501c3 Tax ID# 95-3594247
Hours: Visits to the outdoor campus are welcome at anytime.
To visit the PRC Resource Center & Library, call us or email us for an appointment.
You can also visit our FB page to catch up with our events.
You may also email us at to sign up for our e-lerts!
The Peace Resource Center is located on the Peace Campus in City Heights.
Once you enter the parking lot, go towards the far end. Our office is in the “Friends Center” building. Take a moment to enjoy the courtyard and the sculpture “”peace crane”. The PRC office is through the double doors to the right once you enter the lobby.
Freeway Directions
View larger map to get directions from where you live:
805 Southbound
Take Exit “Home Ave”
Turn Right at the light at the bottom of exit, onto Home Ave
Turn Right at the next light, onto Gateway Dr and go up the hill
Turn Right at second stop sign, onto 39th Street
Turn immediately Left onto Westgate Place
Turn immediately Right into the parking lot
805 Northbound
Take Exit “Home Ave”
Turn Left onto Home Ave
Turn Right at the next light, onto Gateway Dr and go up the hill
Turn Right at second stop sign, onto 39th Street
Turn immediately Left onto Westgate Place
Turn immediately Right into the parking lot
94 Eastbound
Take Exit “Home Ave”
Turn Left at stop sign, onto Home Ave
Turn Left at second light, onto Gateway Dr and go up the hill|
Turn Right at the second stop sign, onto 39th Street
Turn immediately Left onto Westgate Place
Turn immediately Right into the parking lot
94 Westbound
Take Exit for 805 North
Use the far right lane
Take immediate Exit for “Home Ave”
(then follow directions for 805 Northbound)
15 Northbound
Take the Exit for 94 East & Home Ave
Use the far right lane to take exit for “Home Ave”
(then follow directions for 94 Eastbound)
15 Southbound
After you pass University Ave, use the right two lanes
Take the exit for 805 South
Stay in the far right lane for immediate exit “Home Ave”
(then follow directions for 805 Southbound